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Kenny Lim

Assistant Project Manager at TSA Riley

Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) at University of New South Wales (UNSW)

My current workload is focused on the contracts administration aspect of my project, so I spend some time negotiating consultant contracts, assessing consultant invoices, sending recommendations to the client for payment and managing project cash flows.

7.00 AM

I leave for work and catch the bus into the office in the city.

8.00 AM

I arrive in the office around 8.00 am so that I can pick the best desk before the office gets busy. Today I get a standing desk near the window with awesome views, but if I need to complete tasks that require greater focus, like writing a Project Control Group (PCG) report, I’ll pick one of the focus desks in the quiet area of the office.

Kenny Lim office desk

8.15 AM

I pop into the kitchen and grab breakfast; I usually take my laptop so I can catch up on work emails while I eat and plan my day using Planner.

Kenny Lim checking his emails and having breakfast

8.45 AM

I currently work in the Education Team on a school project currently in the design development stage. I use the rest of the morning to chase up consultants for their deliverables, like design advice or drawings and action some items from previous meetings.

12.00 PM

Today we have TSA Social Football at lunchtime. It is great to get fresh air out of the office and get some exercise. It is also a good opportunity to get to know colleagues who I don’t normally work with across all levels of seniority.

Kenny Lim joining TSA playing football

1.00 PM

I come back to the office, shower and change in the end of trip facilities in the building and grab a quick lunch to take to my 1.30 pm project team meeting.

1.30 PM

My project team use this meeting to review what has been completed during the week and plan what is going on for the next week. We work out who needs to go to which meetings and make sure everyone knows their priorities for the following week.

Kenny Lim in a meeting

2.30 PM

My current workload is focused on the contracts administration aspect of my project, so I spend some time negotiating consultant contracts, assessing consultant invoices, sending recommendations to the client for payment and managing project cash flows.

3.30 PM

I need to finalise a PCG report to the issue by the end of the day, so I move into a quiet desk and work on the shared document. I set up the document on SharePoint, so we can all work collaboratively at the same time without anyone having to wait for others to finish their sections. This really helps us to be more productive and not have to wait for others to get out of the document.

5.00 PM

We have a staff social event tonight. I’m on the social committee so I help round up the people attending to leave the office on time. We catch the train to Holey Moley and grab some food and a drink before we split into teams to play nine holes of mini-golf.

It is great to socialise and get to know everyone outside of work, so I stay for a few hours and head home at around 9.30 pm.

Kenny Lim attending a social event