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University of Auckland Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Some solutions I have heard have been quite innovative which firstly helps the project and secondly helps me to grow my knowledge and problem-solving skills.

Emily McIntosh

  • Day in the life

Emily Strang

Emily Strang studied Bachelor of Commerce (Double majoring in Information Science, and Management) at the University of Otago and is now a Cyber Consultant at Deloitte.
  • Graduate stories
I decided to apply for Ryman because they have a good reputation and made helping residents live their best lives a priority.

Emma Eason

  • Graduate stories
I love that moment when you’ve been spending ages on some code, then you hit run and everything loads and looks the way you want it to.

Emma Lindblom

  • Day in the life

Emma Lindblom

Usually spent programming, likely sharing screens with a teammate as we work on code together.
  • Day in the life

Emma May

All my meetings are done for the day, so it’s time for me to head out for the afternoon to do a quick site visit for a project. I have been asked to take some photos of my colleague who works in the Palmerston office.
  • Graduate stories
Just remember, there are always people around us who we can speak to and ask for help.

Eric Zhang

  • Graduate stories
I love the challenge of wrestling with the code to get it to do what I want, as it almost feels like a game to me.

Erik Gulliksen