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University of Auckland Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life

Jacqueline Brown

One of the great things about Bloomberg is the comprehensive training that you receive.
  • Graduate stories
It is also cool how in a few years I still get the ability to be able to look back at the work I was part of and see how this helps the community. Moments like this give me a sense of reward and that all the hard work was worth it.

Jaimee Valerio

  • Graduate stories
My day will usually start with some planning. I always like to have goals for my day in terms of what I want to achieve. 

James Dowzard

  • Day in the life

James Robinson

  • Day in the life

James Toohey

Our CEO is here from LA today and is telling us about all the Cinema Exhibitors they have been talking to at the CinemaCon expo. It is always cool to hear about how customers use our software in different parts of the world!
  • Graduate stories
With the growing interest in greener transportation options, working on rail is the best place to be. There are so many opportunities in KiwiRail if you just ask around the company.


  • Graduate stories
Jamuna Sharma Dhakal studied Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering at the Auckland University of Technology and is now a Graduate Engineer at Powerco.

Jamuna Sharma Dhakal

  • Day in the life

Jamuna Sharma Dhakal

Jamuna Sharma Dhakal studied Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering at the Auckland University of Technology and is now a Graduate Engineer at Powerco.