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University of Auckland Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Be kind to yourself! Being a student is tough and all you can do is your best, so try not to stress too much.

Lucy Darby

  • Graduate stories
I love the satisfaction I get when I finally fix a bug that has been bugging me for a couple of days, or when I get a feature up and running that I have been working on for a couple of weeks.

Lucy Sladden

  • Graduate stories
Honestly, it's so rewarding to see someone use what you've made in weird ways. It's more rewarding when they don't break it though, and you somehow manage to cater for every weird usecase. It's problem-solving at its core.

Luke Te Hira

  • Graduate stories
Since joining the company full-time, I’ve been able to build and refine my skills in business case development.

Lupesina Koro

  • Graduate stories
The formal and informal support systems at Duncan Cotterill ensure that every clerk feels valued and comfortable throughout the whole summer.

Lynna Deng

  • Graduate stories
Being ambitious, it is easy to put 100% focus into work and let things such as social life and exercise slip.

Maddelon Holt-Smith

  • Day in the life

Maddie Watson

Auditing is flexible enough that you can also help out your colleagues working on the same job if needed or look ahead to what jobs are coming up and plan for these. Otherwise, I continue on from where I left off the day before.
  • Graduate stories
The most interesting aspect has been the numerous sites I’ve had the opportunity to be involved in. It’s an eye opener to see the challenges that arise delivering a project on site compared to what’s been written on paper.

Mahesha Herath